Interstitial – Game One : Part One


For the first ever episode of Voices at Play, our first creator in focus is Riley Hopkins of Linksmith Games!

We’re playing their game Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined, a powered by the apocalypse driven game, inspired by Kingdom Hearts.

The game comes with its own in depth setting (not used in this episode). Interstitial is just recently released!
You can order your own copy here
Voices at play is brought to you by the generosity and support of our patrons on without whom, this wouldn’t be possible. You can learn more about our project and what we’re working towards, on our website at
This episode is played by Marquez, Algie and Ray;

Ray can be found on twitter, under his podcast, Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn and is the primary management behind this show’s twitter too at;

Algie can be found on Twitter and Tumblr;


Marquez, Host and GM for this episode, can be found on twitter;
And he’s also representing the podcast which he is also a GM for, Tabletop Potluck!