Tag: Familiars of Terra

July 22, 2019 / Podcast Episodes
July 22, 2019 / Podcast Episodes
July 15, 2019 / Podcast Episodes


Seekers from Inther with, perhaps more ignoble intentions than those of the team, arrive on the scene, Dinokin familiars in tow and our party debates if they’ve bitten off more than they can chew

July 15, 2019 / Podcast Episodes
On the hunt for lost relics, a group of seekers find gold…of a sort
Today, our team is joined by the infamous TK Johnson of Misttales fame! I hope you enjoy their presence as much as I did!
July 8, 2019 / Podcast Episodes
Though no graphic violence is depicted, violence towards animals is at least, heavily inferred. There are scenes in this episode which may distress viewers (and indeed, weren’t light on the GM or players either)
Our Seekers find themselves on the tail of Hekate in a race against time.
July 8, 2019 / Podcast Episodes